Is Everyone Safe

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About this App

Welcome to Is Everyone Safe – the platform that connects people when it really matters.

Is Everyone Safe’s bold and ambitious mission, is to help UK citizens go about their everyday lives by providing trusted sources of information to everyone in one place and connecting people together around common areas of interest.

Real-time information

Whether at home, at work or when taking time out at sporting events, concerts or festivals, Is Everyone Safe will deliver real-time information messages, sent from authoritative sources, relevant to your location or areas of interest, to help you navigate each day, just a little bit easier, just a little bit safer.

Direct from source

No more scrolling through multiple social feeds, searching email and checking the many notes we all keep, Is Everyone Safe consolidates authoritative information, in real-time, to one app on your phone.

For example, it might be weather information from the Met Office, travel updates from the Foreign office or flood alerts from the Environment agency, you will know, when something important happens, direct from source.

You are in control

We believe, better informed people, make better decisions and you decide which groups you join and when you join them.

You are in complete control to join or leave any group, at any time.

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