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About this App

Lnkely is a versatile platform that allows individuals and businesses to consolidate all of their online links into a single, easily accessible page.

With Lnkely, users can create a customizable landing page that includes links to their social media profiles, websites, products, and more. making it simple for others to find and engage with their online presence.

Customizable landing pages

Users can design their own landing page by choosing from a variety of templates, colors, and fonts, or by creating a unique design using their own images and branding.

Unlimited links & Link analytics

Lnkely allows users to add as many links as they want to their landing page, making it easy to showcase all aspects of their online presence.

Lnkely provides users with detailed analytics on how many people are clicking on each link on their page, giving them insights into the effectiveness of their online marketing efforts.

Social media integration & Easy sharing

Lnkely integrates with all major social media platforms, allowing users to easily connect their profiles and grow their social media following.

Lnkely makes it easy for users to share their landing page with others through social media, email, or other messaging apps.

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